New Electronic Music from Queen's


Human Media LabJackson Hall, Queen's, 35 Fifth Field Company Ln
3:00 / free


Dimitri Georgaras is a Queen's University student studying electrical engineering and electroacoustic music composition, with his passion lying in the intersection of the two. His most recent work deals with feedback, both acoustic and electronic. At the start of the summer, Dimitri participated in the Juvenis Festival where he premiered an interactive sound installation titled Pipe Dreams, which generated ever changing acoustic feedback tones through a network of interconnected tubing. Furthermore, Dimitri conducted a research project for the Queen's Sonic Arts Studio where he explored the history and application of electronic feedback as a compositional technique. Along with realizing seminal feedback compositions, he designed and built a dedicated feedback instrument comprised of original circuitry, intended for live performance.


Jeremy Kerr is a composer and sound artist currently based in Kingston, Ontario with a particular interest in musical theatre, harsh noise and all sounds in between. His most recent collection of works - Mother Drone and Other Ancient Spirits of Great Power - was self released in June 2018 and can be found in the cold void of the internet.


Diana Lawryshyn is a concurrent education student at Queen's University. Majoring in music study, her work is influenced by traditional acoustic composition techniques including tonal harmony, dynamic ranges, and added dissonance. By experimenting with a wide variety of sounds that mimic the imperfect quality of acoustic instruments, Diana hopes to induce feelings of wonder, question, and surprise.


Dr. Roel Vertegaal is a Professor of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) at Queen's University's School of Computing in Kingston, Ontario, and director of the Human Media Laboratory. Roel's first degree is in Electronic Music from Utrecht Conservatory in The Netherlands. He did an MSc in computing in Britain, studied design in The Hague, and holds a PhD in HCI from Twente University. Roel is one of the world's experts on eye communication between humans, and between humans and technology. His work on Attentive User Interfaces (AUI) [Google TechTalk] was featured in media across the globe, from Good Morning America to Scientific American. Roel helped create the first north-american conference on eye tracking (ACM ETRA), established alt.chi as the alternative papers venue at the annual ACM CHI conference and advised the National Academy of Sciences. his current interest is in Organic User Interfaces (OUI).